Sunday, February 14, 2016

Five Commandments: Wearing Fragrances in the Tropical Heat

Living in a tropical country presents a unique set of challenges for the fragrance lover. The sweltering heat, stifling humidity, and the close proximity of possibly sweaty and already uncomfortable people are all factors when choosing the right scent, and accordingly, the right image to project. How can you maintain your individuality while avoiding smelling like the next guy's fruit and aquatic cocktail?

Here are the commandments I live by.

1. Thou shalt know your fragrance.

Thirty-five degree Celsius of dizzyingly humid heat in a train tightly packed with damp human flesh is not the time to be testing out how you smell in The One (true story). Knowing which of your fragrances work best in the heat, reading up on the recommended time and purpose, knowing how much to apply and where to spritz without offending -- these are all keys to wearing a fragrance successfully in the heat of summer.

2. Thou shalt smell natural.

I don't know about you, but the last thing I want to smell under the baking hot sun is something completely unrelated to the heat, like pumpkin spice or tobacco. Not that you should smell like rain and grass and lime all the time, but do pick something with a note that reminds people of summer comfort, and not Christmas dinner by the fireplace. Green tea, fruit, natural aquatic accords and fresh summer herbs and florals are good starting points.

Also keep in mind that not all freshies and aquatics are meant for the hottest summer days.

3. Thou shalt re-apply.

Light fragrance notes in the heat and humidity mean one thing: short longevity. The heat can and will speed up the development of your fragrance, eating up and dispersing those precious scent molecules magnitudes faster than in the cold. That bead of sweat you're wiping away? There goes your fragrance oils along with it.

Do not spray more at the beginning! Carry an atomizer or even your original bottle around and refresh a couple of times a day. For me this is right after my lunch and at the end of the work day before stepping out again. For faster-dissipating fragrances, spritz every two to three hours.

4. Thou shalt not choke out thy neighbor.

Being on the receiving end of this more times than I can count, I can't stress this enough. I know you love your scent and can't resist giving it a couple of sprays more to last in the heat, but please do think about the guy next to you. I already have enough stimulation in the stifling confines of public transportation. I don't want your sporty fresh scent thickening up my remaining oxygen.

5. Thou shalt check your schedule.

How long will you be outside? Will you only need to be out in the heat for an hour or so before being in the soothing confines of your air conditioned office? Will you miss the heat altogether because of an early start, only to be out in the warm evening after? Will you be in a crowd or in relative privacy throughout the day?

There are days when I can get away with wearing something more interesting, and there are days when I have to wear something light and inoffensive. Do find out what to expect from your daily schedule, so you can take the most enjoyment from wearing your favorite scent while at the same time not ruining anyone else's day.

Living in the tropics doesn't mean dooming yourself to always wearing juices of the blue and green variety. It means keeping yourself aware of more things before picking out your scent of the day. Keep the above guidelines in mind and wear something that you and those around you will enjoy!

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